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She'll never know
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 | 7:34 AM | 0 comments
Lots of time has passed since then & I've calmed down enough to take the drama out of it and watched it play over again in my head. The htht with the clique, i meant.
This time, it seem much clearer , like the things weren't happening so fast.
Kandy, among the clique, you were one of my favourite friend. I felt like we had so much in common, like we could pick off exactly where we ended, anytime. You did things I did almost all of the 4 years. Sing, Study (Hard), love for S.H.E , one other thing & more importantly, I felt like i could tell you things. In fact, it was you, jia en and lyn who I always felt i could turn to. You were part of my non-frivolous life, the other side of me that doesn't party, the one that cares about grades, the one who doesn't drink almost every weekend, the one who don't  ridicule people & definitely not the stupid bitch who have extremely superficial thoughts.
You were part of that, helping me to get through it with a balance. In fact, everyone of the clique is but I've always regarded you as one of my bestest friend. 

But WHAM, you had to tell us that you couldn't really talk / "click" with us. Now, that.. that sucked. No. Sucked would be understatement. Personally, it was more like a slap on a face, and then a knee-punch to my gut. Makes me sick. Of myself, of course. That i didn't do better, in that sense. That i was a horrible friend. 

HURHUR. so much for taking out the drama. But i hope / know it's still all good. Cos I get to still see you in school and all that. & uhm, I just wanna say, AT LEAST, you told us this. I mean.. that's really brave (i think).

& yeah. That's all. :) 

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