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Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 | 9:45 PM | 0 comments
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life

My life's not that dramatic. But I think this person, this experience, is as close as it could get. 
The person was once my inspiration, when I created this blog and well, I kinda told this person whatever I'm going to write her as well. Probably, 4 years since then, I might have new insights. 

So here goes :

Dear XX
I don't want this to sound like a really emo letter.
Anws, I was 13/ 14 probably. 
The time, when teenagers, mostly teenage girls, were finding their "identity" in life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I found it alrdy, (with or without your help)
but you put something in my life that helped me shape me. 
Not pop music kinda music. Music, that I could make. 
It made me believe that I had this thing that others didn't
Simply put, it was like being in glee club. If only glee club existed then, we might probably have more pride in ourselves and "us"
You inspired me so much that I actually pointed a career path that I want to go on, plan and decision all included. I was 14, what was I thinking right.
I thought I had it all planned out, and nothing was going to go wrong. 
I was to go lasalle, get a diploma in music (teaching  maybe choral)
and .. be pretty! 
I know, that sound ridiculous.
& then you left. It was crazy then because I was 13, in this weird place called sengkang, where I couldn't really find anyone who I could really connect or identify with. No one, I would love to go up to become, no role model 

It sounds really pathetic but when you left, it seems like the possibilites left too. 
& I saw the ugliness in our organization and your profession. The one I wanted to immerse myself in. 
Well, I got over it that emo period but 15 , not fully but mostly. 
& I moved on, and bigger (and better?) plans. 
Got decent grades for olvel got into a poly (I hope that it isn't considered a failure in your eyes, not thatg I care if it is)
Because 1 thing I've learnt from this, is to live for yourself and not for others, Because you'll be living their lives and dreams (when they're not even aware) when you neglect yours .

At the end of this road, I may catch a glimspe of me. 
Three months and I'm still breathing
Been a long road since those hands have left my tears but I know it's never really over. 
- Sober  Kelly Clarkson

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