bonjour cbox latest thanks to Basecode :Ziera
Template By :FarahTyra
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My Strength Is Not for Hurting.
Sunday, December 12, 2010 | 4:44 AM | 0 comments This is an anti-rape campaign that actually indicates that men can prevent rape.Check out the website here.I liked the last one. I hate how some horrible jerks thinks we owe it to them just because they paid. It was society who ruled such rules. Sure, if you aren't willing, then don't date a girl. Or least, date a girl who pays. Personally, I would pay dates if I could because really , it isin't fair for the guy if he pays all the time. But guys, really. Don't ever said that we "owe it to you". Like seriously?! So good.. initative here. I hope it travels. Each and every message. p.s I also liked how they didn't only cater to heterosexual couples :D <3 |