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Monday, September 06, 2010 | 7:42 AM | 0 comments
Preston : It was October, freshman year. First time in history that I'd ever missed the bus. If I had arrived on time, I never would've seen her. But as it was, I was the first person at Huntington Hills High to set eyes on Amanda Beckett. It was her first day at school. Then, I'm sitting in class enjoying a late breakfast when out of all the classrooms in the entire school, she walks into mine. And where does the teacher sit her? Right next to me! Now, up until now, one could write this off to coincidence. But then she reaches in her bag and pulls out a strawberry Pop-Tart - the very same breakfast pastry I was consuming at that moment! What was I to do? How was I to proceed?


Mike Dexter: Guys, we're gonna be in college soon. You know what there's gonna be in college, right?

Jake, Jock #1: [beat] Girls that used to be in high school.

Mike Dexter: No, women. College women. Women with no curfew, women on the pill, women... women, bro. We are staring into the future here. And the future is women.

( Basket, those Jerks )

The ultra big geek ;
[after drinking his first beer and spitting it out]

William: Nobody drink the beer, the beer has gone bad!


Angel Stripper: You know what? This is just like that Scott Baio thing. When I was 16, I had the biggest thing for Scott Baio.

Preston: Listen, you don't have to sit here and go through... Scott Baio?

Angel Stripper: I said I was 16. ( I LMAO at this part ) I mean, this was back in the 'Happy Days' years, you know? Not to mention 'Joanie Loves Chachi'. God... I hated her. Joanie. You see, I always knew that somehow I'd meet him. You know? Like I wanted it bad enough, I could make it happen. And it did. Right after his first season of 'Charles in Charge', he was doing this mall tour, and he came here to our mall in this town. It was like everything was finally falling into place for me, you know? It was like...

Preston: Fate?

There was this part where Jennifer L. Hewitt went like ( I don't know the exact words ) I just don't feel like I have an identity anymore. I've always been Dexter's girlfriend. Hell, I don't even know myself anymore. There are thing in me that people don't see.

And on the other hand , Preston is explaining to Denise, his best friend, for the upteen time why she so amazing " There's something in her. she more's than just someone's girlfriend. I can see it ; there's something more in her.

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